Monday, September 22, 2008 : Retarded, or Just Lazy?

I recently attempted to replace a PA speaker that Peavey had discontinued. Only 2 vendors online claimed to have it in inventory. I called in Philly, explained the situation on these particular speakers, and asked them to physically check their stock before committing to my order. I waited for 2 minutes while the clerk checked his stock, and was assured that they had 2 left. I ordered 1, but noticed that a tracking number wasn't issued after 3 days. I called to check status. "Oh yeah, what happened was that we don't have any of those speakers." I explained that I'd been assured by their flunky clerk that they had 2. Nope, they don't. I wonder when they were going to get around to calling or emailing me & explaining that they couldn't fill my order., you're shaming my old Philly stomping grounds. Get your shit together.

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